Do Gifts Given to My Children Count As Child Support Payments?

Do Gifts Given to My Children Count As Child Support Payments?

man wrapping holiday gifts

This holiday season, you might be concerned about paying both your child support and making the holidays extra special for your children. With this concern, you might wonder if any gifts you give this winter could count toward your child support total. Our attorney shares what you need to know:

How Are Child Support Payments Made?

Child support payments are typically made through the state child support agency or directly to the custodial parent. These payments are made to financially support the child as they grow up and cover costs for health insurance, clothing, food, shelter, and other needs the child has.

Gifts Cannot Be Counted As Child Support Payments

Gifts are not included in child support payments. This means that any money or presents you give your children cannot be counted as part of the child support total that you owe. This is because child support is meant to provide financial stability for your children, and gifts are not a necessary part of financial stability.

If you are concerned about being able to afford both your child support and holiday gifts, there are a few things you can do. First, be mindful of what you spend on gifts and make sure they are within your budget. You can also look into gift-giving options that are more affordable, such as gift cards or homemade gifts.

If you have undergone a change in financial circumstances, you can also request a modification to your current child support order. This modification can either raise or lower your monthly payments to reflect your current financial circumstances.

Nothing Is More Important Than Your Loved Ones

It can be difficult during the holiday season, especially if you are concerned about paying for both your child support and the gifts on your child’s wishlist. Our attorney at The Law Offices of Jonny Kousa, P.L. can help you prepare for the holiday season and review your current child support order.

Schedule a free consultation with our attorney today by calling us at (954) 626-8071. We are waiting for your call!

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